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About Wirral Bird Club

Wirral Bird Club was founded in 1977 by 4 student members of the WEA (Workers’ Educational Association). The first AGM was held on 29th June 1978, making the club older than both the Wirral and Chester RSPB groups. At a committee meeting on 10th September 1981 it was decided that all future printed programmes etc. should include a bird as the club motif, and the chosen bird was the Oystercatcher.

Hilda Truesdale, who later became Wirral Bird Club Honorary President, wrote in the Autumn 2002 (25th Anniversary) Newsletter:-

“Ian, my son, invited me to join him on a bird identification course run by the WEA. From then on I was completely hooked! Members of the Hale Ornithologists group persuaded me to start a Bird Watching group on the Wirral so, with much help from Dr Frances Martin, Mrs Jeanne Ambler and Ian, the formation of a club was set in motion, with unbelievable backing from Dr John Raines, Mrs Val McFarland and Mr Barry Barnacal. On a Thursday evening in September 1977 the Unitarian Church Hall in Brookfield Gardens, West Kirby, opened its doors to 100 members – the maximum that fire regulations would allow.”

The aim of the club is to promote a general appreciation of bird watching, and in particular to provide opportunities for members to share their common interest in birds and to increase their knowledge of birds through a programme of meetings, lectures and visits to interesting bird watching sites.

Wirral Bird Club also supports national and local organisations concerned with the protection of birds and the conservation of bird habitats.

Monthly Indoor Meetings are held at 7.30 pm on the 4th Thursday of each month (apart from August and December), at St Bridget’s Church Centre, Church Road, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 7HL, when guest speakers offer illustrated presentations on a wide variety of bird-related topics.

Visitors are very welcome, and the cost is £4.00, which includes tea/coffee and biscuits.  These are not ticket events – please just come along.

St Bridget’s is a new venue for the club since the 2021/22 season, after many years at Kingsmead School.  It has a good sized hall, separate kitchen and level access for people with mobility difficulties.  There is a small car park with the majority of parking on nearby roads.

Outdoor Field Meetings are held in most months of the year. Many are held on the Wirral, but they also involve trips, some by coach, to places outside of Wirral, to sites of particular interest.

Coach trip to Elan Valley – 27th April 2024

Field trip to Moel Arthur – 28th July 2024

Help in identification is available to any member, and no personal expertise is necessary to enable members to obtain the fullest enjoyment from these meetings.

Wirral Bird Club welcomes new members.

The annual subscription is £12, or pro rata if joining during the year.  For more information please telephone Jean on (0151) 625 5342, or Email [email protected]