Hugh’s News

Hugh’s News – 10 July 2024

Shenagh visited North Ronaldsay on a birding holiday recently. It is the northernmost island in the Orkney archipelago. After a flight on […]

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Hugh’s News – 20 June 2024

We have received the following interesting article from Martyn Jamieson, one of our Honorary Members. The Shiant Isles Recovery Project […]

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Hugh’s News – 7 April 2024

Our website is running normally now, thanks to Bill’s perseverance in working with our IT contact to upgrade the site. […]

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Hugh’s News – 10 January 2024

A slightly belated Happy New Year to Members and best wishes and happy birding to you all for 2024. We […]

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Hugh’s News – 10 November 2023

Waxwings have been arriving in the UK in big numbers, in Scotland especially, as well as along the East coast […]

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Hugh’s News – 11 October 2023

It is difficult to believe that dragonflies and butterflies such as this Red Admiral were enjoying the sunshine just a […]

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Hugh’s News – 1 September 2023

I have been seeking inspiration on what to write about in this latest Hugh’s News. Birding in my garden has […]

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Hugh’s News – 11 July 2023

Signs of a fruitful breeding season are all around us now.  I suspect that the fine summer we have had […]

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Hugh’s News – 16 May 2023

Bill found a nice Grey Wagtail at Arrowe Park.  We can tell it is a male by the all-yellow belly. […]

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Hugh’s News – 31 March 2023

It is 4 weeks since the last Hugh’s News, and as predicted the summer migrants have now started arriving in […]

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